· Officers:

[x] Sherry Litasi, President
[x] Sverre Froyen, Vice President
[ ] Rich Gostenik, Treasurer
[x] Brooke Mann, Secretary

· Other Members:

[x] Brian Coleman
[x] Simon Maybury


A. Roll-Call.

B. General Business:

  1. Sherry provided an update about the National Park Service meeting she attended recently. At the meeting, she talked to the superintendent for Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, and he seemed receptive to the idea of us orienteering there. (We have a map of that area that we haven't used since about 2000.)

  2. We discussed meet fees, specifically with regard to our "family maximum" rate. Ultimately, we decided that the "family maximum" is only meant to apply to actual families -- not Scout groups, classes, etc. However, we also decided that Juniors (under 18) will always pay just $5, regardless of what course they're on and whether or not they're RMOC members.

  3. Sherry gave a recap of the Course Setting Workshop she held recently. The workshop was intended primarily for the Setters and Vetters for our Five-Day meet. Those in attendance at the workshop talked about E-punch requirements and the options of buying E-punch stands vs. renting them vs. building our own.

  4. Sherry returned the laptop she bought last month.

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