Our Event Schedule webpage includes a "Details" link for each upcoming meet. On the Details page, you'll find a pre-registration form. Use the pre-registration form to indicate the course(s) you plan to do.

  • You do not have to pay when you pre-register.

  • You can use the "List of Registered Runners" link below the registration form to confirm your registration status.

We strongly request that all participants pre-register so that we can estimate the right number of maps to print for each meet. However, you're still welcome to attend a meet even if you haven't pre-registered.

If you don't pre-register, you may have to copy your course onto a blank map, rather than having a nicely pre-printed course. Just show up anytime during the Registration / Start period indicated on the "Details" page, and we'll get you registered.

Standard Event Times are listed below. Any exceptions to this schedule will be highlighted on the "Details" page for each meet.

Saturday Meets Sunday Meets
  • Registration opens at 12:30pm.
  • Start times are assigned from 12:30 to 2:00pm.
  • Courses close at 4:00pm.
  • Registration opens at 9:30am.
  • Start times are assigned from 9:30 to 11:00am.
  • Courses close at 1:00pm.


  • Some of RMOC's events have participation caps due to permit restrictions; we will require pre-registration for those events. Pre-registration requirements will always be clearly indicated on the "Details" page for each meet.

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