Event Details For:

Orienteering Meet at Kelly Dahl (Nederland)
Saturday, October 1st, 2022

Course Setters: Tori Borish & Carlo Giacometti
Course Vetter: N / A

E-Punch Coordinator: Doug Berling
Meet Equipment: Doug Berling

Attention! Pre-Registration Deadline: 11:59 pm MDT on Thursday, September 29th, 2022

[List of Registered Runners]

  • Volunteers: Please add your name to the Volunteer Sign-up Sheet HERE if you can help before or after you complete your course. We need the usual roles to be filled: Set-up, Registration, Beginner Instruction, Starts, E-Punch Crew, and Control Pick-up.

  • Beginner Instruction: Two sessions of basic Beginner Instruction will take place at 12:00 and 12:30 pm in the vicinity of the registration table. When you check in at the registration table, let a volunteer know that you would like Beginner Instruction.

  • Schedule:

    12:30 pm to 2:00 pmRegistration and starts. (You can register and start at any time during this window. Start early if you want to try multiple courses, or if you expect to take a long time on your course.)
    12:00 & 12:30 pmTwo sessions of basic Beginner Instruction will be offered at 12:00 & 12:30 pm in the vicinity of the Registration table.
    2:00 pmAll courses close at 4:00 pm. (We'll start picking up controls at 4:00 pm. Out of consideration for the meet volunteers, please check in and download at the Finish no later than 4:00 pm even if you haven't completed your course.)

  • Courses:

    This meet will offer standard Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced courses. You can find an explanation of the orienteering course color scheme at our FAQs page.

    The Beginner courses (White & Yellow) will be suitable for beginners of all ages -- kids, adults, families, etc.

    TENTATIVE Course Details:

    Length Course Length
    Beginner Very Short White 2.5
    Short Yellow 3.3
    Intermediate Medium Orange 4.0
    Advanced Medium Green 5.0
    Long Red 7.0

  • Event Fees: Our standard meet fees will apply. Please refer to the table below.

    - We accept cash and checks payable to "RMOC".

    Status Age Course Type RMOC Meet
    RMOC Member All Ages All Courses $11.00
    Non-Member Junior (under 21) All Courses $11.00
    Adult (21 and over) Beginner (White & Yellow) $11.00
    Intermediate & Advanced $15.00
    E-Punch Discount (if you have your own -- where to buy) – $3.00
    Extra Maps (for teams) $3.00
    Extra Courses (same person doing multiple courses on the same day) $5.00
    Compass Rental (collateral required -- car keys, driver's license, etc.) $1.00
    Safety Whistle Purchase $1.00

    Note: Teams only pay one registration fee per team (plus the cost of any extra maps they want; one map is included in the team registration fee).

  • Local Weather Forecast: NOAA.gov
  • Driving Directions: From Boulder, head west on Canyon Boulevard / Highway 119 for approximately 17 miles to the town of Nederland. Go three-quarters of the way around the roundabout to continue south on Colorado Highway 119, through Nederland. The entrance to Kelly Dahl Campground is located on the east side of Highway 119 at mile-marker 22, across from Los Lagos Reservoir, about four miles south of Nederland.

    [Google Map]

Pre-Registration Form

Online pre-registration has closed, but you can still participate. Please register when you arrive at the meet. You may have to draw your course on a blank map.

[List of Registered Runners]

Current date and time: 2024-09-13 08:13:20

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