Event Details For:
Ski-O & Snowshoe-O at Eldora Nordic Center (Nederland)
Sunday, March 3rd, 2019
Course Setter: Doug Berling & John Crowther
Course Vetter: N / A
E-Punch Coordinator: Doug Berling
Meet Equipment: Doug Berling Pre-Registration Deadline: 12:00 pm MDT on Saturday, March 2nd, 2019
[List of Registered Runners]
Pre-Registration: Pre-registration is required for this meet. Use the form at the bottom of this page. The pre-registration deadline is noon on Saturday, March 2nd.
Update as of 3/2/2019 at 5:30 pm: We have more than ten people pre-registered, and Doug finished putting out all the controls this afternoon. There's lots of snow in the forecast for tonight, but this event is a definite GO for Sunday! Head up early, drive safely, dress warmly, and come join us for a cold & snowy adventure!
RMOC Members Only: Expedite meet check-in with a year-long waiver for 2019. [Details]
Event Fees:
An Eldora Nordic Center trail pass will be required for all participants. The cost is $32 for adults plus $5 for a reusable RFID tag. You may stay and use the Eldora Nordic Center trails for the rest of the day after you complete your orienteering course.
RMOC's standard meet fee will be reduced to $5 per person for all participants, due to the high cost of the Eldora trail pass.
Courses: We'll offer three courses for both XC Skis and Snowshoes: Short, Medium, and Long. These courses will have the standard point-to-point format where you find all the controls in the order specified on the map, and the fastest time wins.
Course Details:
Course Approximate
(km)Beginner / Short 3.0 Intermediate / Medium 4.5 Advanced / Long 6.9 · These course lengths are measured straight-line between each control; actual ski-trail distances may be up to 50% longer.
· Note for Beginner Skiers: Because of the topography at Eldora, all three courses will have some amount of hills and steepness.
· Skiers may use classic XC skis or skate skis. Both skis and snowshoes can be rented at the Eldora Nordic Center.
· There won't be any water or refreshments on any of the courses, so plan to bring your own (CamelBak, water bottle, etc.).
Trail Requirements:
- You are allowed to ski and snowshoe off trail.
- Some trails are one-way only; please follow the direction and do NOT ski or snowshoe against the one-way direction. The map will have directional arrows to mark the one-way trails, and the courses have been designed so you shouldn't have to go against the flow. (There are a couple of places where you may very briefly pop in and back out a one-way trail, and this is OK.)
- Snowshoes must always keep to the outer edge of the groomed and classic ski tracks (outside the parallel grooves). Snowshoes may not walk in the middle of the ski trails or on the groomed tracks. Walking on the groomed tracks could get us disqualified from using the Eldora Nordic Center in the future. Thank you for respecting this rule.
- Snowshoe participants will be required to wear a special bib at this meet to indicate that they're allowed on the ski trails. (Typically, showshoes are not allowed on the ski trails at Eldora.)
Schedule: Registration and Start / Finish will take place in the waxing shed next to the main Nordic Center building (at the southeast end of the main parking lot).
9:30 am - 11:00 am · Registration and Starts for Ski-O and Snowshoe-O participants. (You may register and start at any time during this period.) 10:00 am · Beginner orienteering instruction near the Start / Finish / Registration shed. 1:00 pm · All courses close. For safety reasons and out of consideration for the event volunteers, you must return to the Finish by 1:00 pm even if you haven't completed your course. Beginners: Beginners are welcome to participate at this event! This will be a great event for orienteering beginners, since it'll mostly be on trails.
One session of Beginner Orienteering Instruction will take place at 10:00 am near the Start / Finish / Registration area.
Reminder -- For safety reasons, you must report to the Finish no later than 1:00 pm even if you haven't completed your course.
Volunteers: Please contact RMOC President Doug Berling if you can help out at this meet -- email. If you volunteer, you can still ski or snowshoe a course. The following roles need to be filled:
- Set-up;
- Registration Table;
- Beginner Instruction;
- Starts;
- E-Punch Timing; and
- Control Pick-Up.
General Information:
Come try Ski- and Snowshoe-Orienteering! This is the Scandinavian sport of map-reading and navigation on XC skis or snowshoes. It can be a serious competition for elite skiers, or a fun map-reading excursion for non-competitive participants. In either case, the objective is to read the map provided to you, visit each checkpoint location, and return to the finish. A typical Advanced course may take one or two hours to complete; less time will be required for for Beginner and Intermediate courses.
All controls will be located on trails. But, back by popular demand, there will be some "bushwhack" possibilities for those hearty (foolhardy?) souls who want to try cutting through the woods in some places between trails, rather than skiing around.
Controls will be marked on the map with red circles; in the terrain, controls will be identified with orange and white flags. There are no control descriptions in ski-orienteering, but each control will have a code. Make sure you punch the correct control by matching the code against your map or clue sheet.
Careful map reading and route choice is the key to orienteering. Will bushwhacking save time over a longer route on groomed trails? Can an experienced orienteer out-navigate an expert skier? Come try it and have some fun! Beginners are especially welcome.
- Local Weather Forecast: NOAA.gov
- Driving Directions: Our registration / start / finish area will be in the waxing shed next to the Nordic center.
From Denver South: Take I-224 and connect to C-470. Connect to Route 6 in Golden. See Golden directions below to continue into Eldora.
From Denver Metro & North - APPROXIMATELY 47 MILES (60 MINUTES): Take I-25 North to 36 West, head into Boulder, and then use directions from Boulder.
From Golden - APPROXIMATELY 35 MILES (45 MINUTES): Take Highway 93 North to Highway 72, follow Highway 72, turn right onto Highway 119, turn left on road 130 and follow the signs to Eldora.
From Fort Collins - APPROXIMATELY 70 MILES (90 MINUTES): Take I-25 South, exit onto Highway 119 West to Boulder, exit onto the Diagonal Parkway (Iris Boulevard), turn left onto 28th Street to Canyon Blvd, turn right, and then follow directions from Boulder.
From Boulder - APPROXIMATELY 21 MILES (35 MINUTES): Take Canyon Boulevard West (Canyon Bouldevard is Hwy 119). Follow 119 to Nederland. Turn left at the roundabout. Continue south on 119 for one mile. Turn right on 130 and follow the signs to Eldora.
Pre-Registration Form
Online pre-registration has closed, but you can still participate. Please register when you arrive at the meet. You may have to draw your course on a blank map.
Current date and time: 2025-02-13 18:46:26