Event Details For:

Score-O, Lunch & Annual Meeting at Westminster City Park (Westminster)
Saturday, November 4th, 2023

Course Setter: Doug Berling
Course Vetter: N / A
E-Punch Coordinator: Volunteer Needed
Meet Equipment: Doug Berling

Attention! Pre-Registration Deadline: 12:00 pm MDT on Friday, November 3rd, 2023

[List of Registered Runners]

  • General Information: Today's events will consist of:

    • a fun Score-O course for all ability levels at Westminster City Park;
    • a group lunch at the Broomfield Community Center; and
    • RMOC's annual meeting at the Broomfield Community Center.
    The annual meeting is open to everyone.

  • Schedule: Our Score-O registration / start / finish area will be at Westminster City Park (see driving directions below for specific location).

    9:45 - 10:10 am Registration / check-in and pre-race rules & announcements, at Westminster City Park.
    10:15 am Mass Start for Score-O course at Westminster City Park. One-hour time limit.
    12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch at Broomfield Community Center Fireside Lounge.
    1:00 - 2:30 pm RMOC Annual Meeting at Broomfield Community Center.

  • Event Fees: The Score-O course will be FREE.

  • Score-O Course:

    In a Score-O course format, the goal is to find as many controls (checkpoints) as possible, in any order, within the time limit. Points are deducted from your score if you exceed the time limit.

    For today's course, there will be 30-some controls worth between one and three points each. The time limit will be one hour.

    We'll be running on a sprint map, 1:4000 with 2.5m contours, but the course length to get all the controls is 5-6 km.

    Bring a pen or pencil to write down the control codes. As was done last year, all the control codes are either an X or an O, assigned randomly. A correct control code gives a positive point score, an incorrect a negative score (zero score for any other code).

  • Lunch:

    THANK YOU to Kathleen Brennan for making all the lunch arrangements! Details from Kathleen:

    As gratitude for all our volunteers, RMOC is treating everyone to lunch.

    The best reason to come to the annual meeting is the fabulous pizzas we are getting from Infinitus PIE (iPIE), but we also need your help making some decisions.

    RSVP using the pre-registration form below to choose one of the fabulous iPIE 8" personal pizzas below and we'll see you on November 4:

    - Train Wreck pizza: pepperoni, mushroom, red onion, green pepper, fresh sausage.

    - Grandpa Bill: ham, pineapple, jalapeno.

    - Katie pizza: thin crust, garlic white sauce, spinach, mushroom, red onion, tomato, feta.

  • Annual Meeting:

    RMOC's annual meeting will take place after our lunch, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. If you have topics to add to the meeting agenda, please add to the google document here.

    Preliminary agenda items:

    - Annual reports from President, VP, Treasurer & Secretary.

    - Open Discussion

  • Local Weather Forecast: Weather Underground
  • Driving Directions:

    * Our Score-O registration / start / finish area will be at Westminster City Park, at the parking area Southwest of the Recreation Center and directly Southeast of the baseball fields. [Google Map]

    * The lunch & annual meeting will be at the Broomfield Community Center, 250 Spader Rd, Fireside Lounge Area. [Google Map]

Pre-Registration Form

Online pre-registration has closed, but you can still participate. Please register when you arrive at the meet. You may have to draw your course on a blank map.

[List of Registered Runners]

Current date and time: 2024-10-06 00:32:19

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