Event Details For:

Rocky Mountain State Games at Fox Run Regional Park (Colorado Springs)
Saturday, July 22nd, 2023

Course Setter: Maiya Anderson
Course Vetter: N / A
E-Punch Coordinators: Doug Berling & Simon Maybury
Meet Equipment: Doug Berling


  • General Information:

    Since RMOC is hosting this meet on behalf of the Rocky Mountain State Games, please note that the FEES, SCHEDULE, REGISTRATION PROCESS, and COURSE / CLASS CATEGORIES for this event will be different from a typical RMOC local meet.

    [RMSG Event Page & Pre-Registration]

    Pre-register before July 19th to save $5-10!

  • Schedule: Please note that we are following a NON-STANDARD SCHEDULE for this event.

    11:00 am to 1:00 pmRegistration and Starts. (You can register and start at any time during this window. Start early if you want to try multiple courses, or if you expect to take a long time on your course.)
    10:45 am & 11:30 amBasic Beginner Instruction will be offered at 10:45 am & 11:30 am in the vicinity of the Registration table.
    4:00 pmAll courses close at 4:00 pm. (We'll start picking up controls at 4:00 pm. Out of consideration for the meet volunteers, please check in and download at the Finish no later than 4:00 pm even if you haven't completed your course.)

  • Courses: This meet will offer standard Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced courses. You can find an explanation of the orienteering course color scheme at our FAQs page.

    - The Beginner courses (White and Yellow) will be suitable for Beginners of all ages -- kids, adults, families, etc.

    - Participants competing for a Rocky Mountain State Games medal must register and complete their course as an individual.

    - Recreational / non-competitive participants may register and complete their course either as an individual or as a team. (Teams of just two or three people work better than large teams.)

    - Adults may register for a younger age group category if they want to run a course that's longer or more advanced than the one designated for their actual age (e.g., a 36-year-old male can register for the M-21+ category rather than M35+, in order to run the longer Blue course instead of the Red course).

    - Juniors may register for an older age group category if they want to run a course that's longer or more advanced than the one designated for their actual age (e.g., a 15-year-old female can register for the F-18 category rather than F-16, in order to run the Brown course instead of the Orange course).

    Course Details (TENTATIVE):

    Course Length Length (km) Climb (m) # Controls Water
    on Course
    Competitive Age Groups
    Beginner White Very Short 2.1 70 7 No · F-12, M-12 (age 12 & under)
    Yellow Short 2.9 90 9 Yes · F-14, M-14 (age 14 & under)
    Intermediate Orange Medium 3.5 120 10 Yes · F-16, M-16 (age 16 & under)
    Advanced* Brown Short 3.3 60 8 Yes · F-18 (age 18 & under)
    · F55+, F65+, F75+, F85+
    · M65+, M75+, M85+
    Green Medium 5.3 150 14 Yes · F-20 (age 20 & under)
    · F35+, F45+
    · M-18 (age 18 & under)
    · M55+
    Red Long 6.2 270 18 Yes · F-21+ (any age)
    · M-20 (age 20 & under)
    · M35+, M45+
    Blue Extra-Long 7.6 330 18 Yes · M-21+ (any age)

    *Advanced course runners may have a map exchange.

    [RMSG Event Page & Pre-Registration]

  • Local Weather Forecast: NOAA.gov
  • Driving Directions:
    • From Interstate 25: Take exit 158, Baptist Road. Go east on Baptist Road; go south on Roller Coaster Road; go west on Stella Drive. Park entrance will be on the north side of Stella Drive.

    • Note: Parking is not allowed along the sides of the roads in the park -- only in the designated parking areas.

    • [Google Map]

    • [Park Website]

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