Event Details For:

15th Annual Jim & Mil Plant Memorial Ski-O (29th All-Time) at Frisco Nordic Center (Frisco)
Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Course Setter: Sharon Crawford
Course Vetter: N / A
E-Punch Coordinator: Volunteer Needed
Meet Equipment: Volunteer Needed

Attention! Pre-Registration Deadline: 7:00 pm MDT on Friday, February 7th, 2025

[List of Registered Runners]

  • Note: This meet has been designated as the the 15th Annual Jim & Mil Plant Memorial Ski-Orienteering meet. It's the 29th annual Ski-O at this location!

    Attention! Due to Frisco Nordic Center trail rules, this event will be for skiers only (no snowshoe option).

  • Pre-Registration: Pre-registration is strongly encouraged for this meet. Use the form at the bottom of this page.

    RMOC Members Only: Expedite meet check-in with a year-long waiver for 2025. [Details]

  • Beginners: This will be a great event for orienteering beginners, since it'll mostly be on trails.

    Basic beginner orienteering instruction will take place as needed in the vicinity of the Registration table. When you register, let a volunteer know that you would like Beginner Instruction.

  • Volunteers: Please add your name to the Volunteer Sign-up Sheet if you can help before or after you complete your course. We need the usual roles to be filled: Set-up, Registration, Beginner Instruction, E-Punch Crew, and Control Pick-up.

  • Schedule: Our standard Sunday meet schedule will be adjusted to allow participants to do multiple courses, if desired:

    9:00 am - 12:00 pm · Registration in the Nordic Center Lodge.
    · Ski-O and Snowshoe-O participants can start on the deck outside the Lodge at any time during this time period.
    As Needed · Beginner orienteering instruction.
    2:00 pm · All courses close. For safety reasons and out of consideration for the event volunteers, you must return to the Finish by 2:00 pm even if you haven't completed your course.

  • Courses: We'll offer three courses for XC skiers: Short, Medium, and Long. These courses will have the standard point-to-point format where you find all the controls, in the order specified on the map, and results are ranked by finish time.

    · You may use classic XC skis or skate skis, both of which can be rented at the Frisco Nordic Center. [Rental Details]

    · There won't be any water or refreshments on any of the courses, so please bring your own (CamelBak, water bottle, etc.).

    · You are allowed to ski off trail.

  • Event Fees: RMOC's standard registration fees will be waived for this event, thanks to the generosity of an RMOC benefactor who wishes to promote the sport of orienteering. Donations to RMOC to help cover map costs are welcome but not required.

    Attention! Although RMOC's meet registration fees will be waived, a Frisco Nordic Center trail pass will be required. Trail pass prices are $30 for ages 13-64, $25 for ages 65 and older, and FREE for kids age 12 and under).

    You are invited to stay and use the Frisco Nordic Center's trails for the rest of the day after you complete your orienteering course.

  • Notes from the Course Setter:

    Come try Ski-Orienteering! This is the Scandinavian sport of map-reading and navigation on XC skis. It can be a serious competition for elite skiers, or a fun map-reading excursion for non-competitive participants. In either case, the objective is to read the map provided to you, visit each checkpoint location, and return to the finish. A typical Advanced course may take one or two hours to complete; less time will be required for for Short and Medium courses.

    All controls will be located on trails.

    Controls will be marked on the map with red circles; in the terrain, controls will be identified with orange and white flags. There are no control descriptions in ski-orienteering, but each control will have an e-punch box and control code. Make sure you punch the correct control by matching the code against your map.

    Careful map reading and route choice is the key to orienteering. Can an experienced orienteer out-navigate an expert skier? Come try it and have some fun! Beginners are especially welcome.

  • General Information: "The Frisco Nordic Center has 30 km of groomed, mapped, and marked Classic and Skate trails that traverse the shores of Lake Dillon with scenic overlooks."

  • Local Weather Forecast: WeatherUnderground.com
  • Driving Directions: Follow Highway 9 south through Frisco toward Breckenridge for 2.4 miles. Continue to the traffic light at the top of the hill, turn left there into the Frisco Peninsula Recreation Area, and follow the road back down to the Nordic Center. Parking lots are on the right just before or after the lodge. (Because of road reconstruction, the lower original entrance can only be accessed when coming from the south.)

    [Google Map]

Pre-Registration Form

Online pre-registration has closed, but you can still participate. Please register when you arrive at the meet. You may have to draw your course on a blank map.

[List of Registered Runners]

Current date and time: 2025-02-13 19:21:36

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