2-, 4- and 6-Hour Mini-ROGAINE Training Event at Buffalo Creek
Saturday, June 3rd, 2006

I hope everyone had a good time training the course setter.

Thank you to JP Ingebrigtsen, Eric Stephenson, Bryan Caylor, Brooke Mann and Sherry Litasi. The meet could not have been held without them.

Sharon Crawford was the only person that punched #34. Half the runners visited #9, which was easy to find but difficult to climb.

Lessons learned:

  1. The control was missing from #92. I am very sorry and have adjusted the scores. The control was placed two weeks before the meet. It was more than 200 yards north of the Colorado Trail, but a mountain bike could have been ridden to the control. All the controls need to be placed / vetted the day before the meet. This will require additional volunteers.
  2. There should be more low-value controls placed near the start / finish. The 2-hour runners did not have enough time to punch many controls. This will also help people calibrate to the map scale.
  3. The controls that require subtle navigation should have a higher point value. Examples are #41, #42, #44 and #45.
  4. Controls that are easy to find but present a physical challenge should have a lower value unless they are at a very special place. Examples are #89 and #92.
  5. Meets at Buffalo Creek should be held before Memorial Day or after Labor Day for cooler weather.
  6. The controls in the southwest quadrant were not dense enough to attract many runners. I had planned two controls in the area that were not placed because I thought there was too much nearby firing range activity.

-- Dick Matthews, Course Setter

· Course Setter: Dick Matthews, Eric Stephenson
· Course Vetter: JP Ingebrigtsen
· Meet Director: Sherry Litasi
· Control Retrieval: Bryan Caylor

  • Please send an email to the webmaster if your name is misspelled or missing in the results or the volunteer list.


6-Hour Category
# Name Class Time Comments
1 Mark Gibbard M 06:00:00 1330 net points
2 Gordon McCurry M 06:00:00 1200 net points
3 Sharon Crawford F 06:00:00 1060 net points
4 Jason Poole M 06:00:00 1010 net points
5 Sverre Froyen M 06:00:00 990 net points
6 Christoph Zurcher M 06:00:00 840 net points
7 Eddie Haskell M 06:00:00 780 net points
8 Mark Labac M 06:00:00 680 net points
9 Tom Turley M 06:00:00 630 net points
10 Logan Brown M 06:00:00 520 net points
11 David Wren & Jessica Hattle T 06:00:00 460 net points
12 Carol Johnson F 06:00:00 430 net points
13 Elise Harrington F 06:00:00 410 net points
14 Ken Lotze M 06:00:00 400 net points
15 Bryan Caylor M 06:00:00 380 net points
16 Brett Landin & Louisa Jenkins T 06:00:00 280 net points

4-Hour Category
# Name Class Time Comments
1 Brad & Amy McLean T 04:00:00 650 net points
2 Carson Black & Art Howells T 04:00:00 630 net points
3 Douglas Berling M 04:00:00 580 net points
4 Bob Ellis M 04:00:00 500 net points
5 Dave Goldstein & Dougald MacDonald T 04:00:00 470 net points
6 Matt Lundy & Dawes Wilson T 04:00:00 470 net points

2-Hour Category
# Name Class Time Comments
1 Jason Mitchler M 02:00:00 310 net points
2 Lee M 02:00:00 230 net points
3 David Moon M 02:00:00 150 net points
4 Gill Team T 02:00:00 120 net points
5 Matt Chesaux M 02:00:00 100 net points
6 Campbell & Davis T 02:00:00 30 net points
7 Alex Thomas M 02:00:00 -140 net points


DNF = Did not finish (one or more controls missed)
MSP = Mispunched (one or more incorrect controls)
OVT = Overtime

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